Now that we’re entering autumn it’s sensible to reintroduce the shoes-off policy that usually gets abandoned through the summer because people wear lighter footwear and often don’t feel like having shoes on in the house at all because it’s simply too warm. Once the cold returns, shoes and boots are once again the chosen footwear and as such it’s worth stressing that they aren’t welcome beyond the hallway!

When it comes to the rugs in your lounge, hallway, dining room and bedrooms, it is actually quite important that you limit the amount people walk on them in footwear designed for use outdoors. Mastercraft rugs may be superbly made but you have to treat them with a little delicacy and that means keeping them clean and putting them under no unnecessary stress.

So, the best tactic is probably to encourage members of the family to take their shoes off when they come in and perhaps to place a shoe rack at the front door so visitors get an idea of the house rules! Slippers are fine because they aren’t as heavy duty and they are much less likely to cause damage to designer rugs.