The debate is already raging in households up and down the country: is it really time to start using the central heating? Some people would argue that it is and others would argue that September is just too early. Of course, everyone feels the cold to different degrees – it’s very much a subjective thing – so it’s difficult to find any agreement.

A happy medium in many households is to make sure that all the soft furnishings and textiles in each room are doing their bit before actually resorting to the central heating. Items like wool rugs, soft cushions, throws and so on, create a very warm and homely atmosphere and feel warm to the touch, so they go a long way to keeping the winter chill away during autumn.

Armed with hot drinks, hot food, good rugs and warm clothing, it’s possible for families to remain really comfortable when the first signs of chilly weather come along and they can save money by avoiding the central heating for the time being. Wool rugs are ideal in this respect but certain synthetic rugs like shaggy rugs also do the business.