Designers are often working on new ways to make rugs a more exciting part of the home. This is why new and classic collections are always available – there is as much of a trend culture in the world of rug design as there is in the world of fashion so it’s worth keeping your finger on the pulse if you can.

One of the excellent designers that you might actually find in your search for great rugs is Karpi. Karpi rugs are highly regarded for catering to people who want to express their good taste at home. The design house is able to appeal to a lot of different home owners purely because it caters for different tastes with a varied range and with different collections.

Some of those collections are heavily influenced by the design of traditional rugs, while others are much more modern and appropriate for very contemporary settings. Still others are plain and understated, while shaggy rugs are also a part of the Karpi range.

By experimenting with various styles and patterns, Karpi is able to strike a chord with people whose interior design choices differ enormously.