Fun Ideas For Easter

It’s finally Easter time and that means two things: Lots of chocolate and sugar-fuelled children! If you’re not sure how best to keep the kids entertained at home this Easter, don’t worry about it. We’ve got the perfect guide for you and your little ones, so you won’t have to worry about being stressed out thinking of ideas!
The Classic Easter Egg Hunt

One of the most well known-festive games ever, the classic Easter egg hunt. Simply hide Easter eggs around either your home or your garden and send the kids to look for them! To make it even more fun, you could range the sizes of the eggs to make it harder for the children to find!
The Eggciting Easter Egg Hunt

An interesting twist on the classic Easter egg hunt – a glow in the dark Easter egg hunt! Fill plastic eggs with glow sticks or stick glow sticks to Easter eggs and place them around your home/garden and let your child search for them in the darkness! You could even have a fun craft session by painting the eggs before-hand with cool glow in the dark paint.
Get Baking!

When it comes to Easter, food is a huge part of the holiday – as with all major holidays. However, the difference with Easter is that the kids can get involved! Compared to Christmas where a huge meal needs to be cooked, the kids can help by making their own tasty snacks. Create cornflake cake snacks coated in chocolate and top them off with mini eggs for a perfect Easter treat!
Decorate A Hard-Boiled Egg

Easter is a vibrant, colourful festival so push your children to get involved in the decorating! Make some hard-boiled eggs (the hard-boiled part is crucial if your children have butterfingers!) and get the paint/markers out. Allow them to decorate their eggs however they like and then display them when they’re complete!
Make A DIY Eggbox Home

So, your kids decorated their hardboiled eggs, but what’s the point of wasting the rest of the box? If they decorated their eggs to look like creatures, they should design them a brand-new home out of the box! If they just decorated their eggs however they pleased, get them to design a handy holster for their eggcellent masterpieces. Don’t act like you weren’t expecting cringey egg jokes.
Make A DIY Box

This is one of the simplest of DIY entries on this list. All you need is a box, some glue, some stick-on letters, paint and a photo of a friend. To begin with, stick the image – whether it’s an image of a friend, one of yourself, or just something that is dear to you to the lid of the box using the glue. Then, begin painting the rest of the box!

When you have finished painting, decorate it with other flowers or other stickers if you have any. Finish it off by writing whatever message you like on the box with the letter stickers! If this box is a gift, you could even stick a chocolate Easter egg inside of it for the recipient! If arts and crafts aren’t your strongpoints, this website contains all of the necessary instructions needed from the construction of the box to the materials needed!
Decorate Your Plant Pots

With Easter being a celebration that begins around the start of Spring time, I’m sure you’ll be getting your plant pots out. Why not brighten up your garden (or even your interior!) by painting your plant pots! Painting a plant pot is a fun way to bring vibrant colours into your interior/exterior without having to make massive changes.
Make Pompom Flowers!

Easter is the perfect time for arts and crafts and we’re continuing with yet more arty ideas. Make a bouquet of Pompom flowers! Pompoms are available from all sorts of different shops and should be stocked at pretty much every arts and crafts shop around. Stick them to either a wooden stick as pictured or even to different colours of pipe cleaners to create a vibrant multicoloured bouquet of homemade flowers!
Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning – unfortunately, it needs to be done… so why not make it into a fun activity with your kids! Stick some music on and turn the boring job of cleaning up into a fun exciting one! You could even bribe them with sweets or chocolate at the end to make them do a better job! If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to spring cleaning, we’ve got the perfect infographic for you with the perfect tips and advice to make your home spotless! Plus why not check out our Top 12 Spring Cleaning Hacks.

Decluttering is a basic part of a spring clean, and we can pretty much guess that your children’s room need a bit of a decluttering. the kids to clear out their bedrooms and help with shared family spaces by holding a sale at the end of the holiday. Take your unwanted items to a car boot sale, or hold a sale with friends, and reap the benefits of a cleaner house as well as some extra pocket money. Make spring cleaning more fun with music, speed competitions, or a reward at the end, like a fun Easter treat!
Go For A Walk!

While your kids might not appreciate this one as much as you will, going for a walk is an excellent way to burn off any excess energy (as well as the calories of Easter eggs!). Not to mention, it gets you out of the house into the (hopefully) warm spring weather!
Get Cooking!

Often it is a tradition to enjoy a yummy roast dinner on Easter Sunday. Get the kinds involved, whether that’s helping to prepare the veg, or simply setting the timer, it is a fun way to spend extra time together over the Easter Weekend. Plus the added love and attention is sure to make the food super tasty!
Get Them to Put On A Show

Most kids have a creative side paired with a vast imagination, so why not encourage their creative side by getting them to put on a show!? Give them a time frame and some ideas and you’ll be surprised with what they come up with! It’ll also give them a confidence boost! Don’t forget the popcorn for the show 😉.
Encourage Them to Pursue A New Hobby/Skill

With some of the spare time around Easter, it would be well worth teaching (or encouraging) them to pursue a new hobby or skill. From riding a bike to playing football, there are literally thousands of new activities or skills you can encourage your young ones to do and I’m sure they’ll appreciate it when they grow up!

You could even consider teaching them how to play a new instrument! Children’s sized guitars are quite cheap and there are plenty of books and videos available online aimed at young people! However, if you don’t have the time or resources to pick up an instrument or something similar, try teaching them an unusual new skill instead. You could challenge your kids to learn how to do a handstand or you could even take them to see grandparents/other relatives to teach them a traditional skill like knitting!
Secret Easter Bunny

This one is very Similar to the ‘Secret Santa’ game. Put some names of family members or friends into a hat and get your children and relatives/friends to pick a name out of a hat. Give your child some money and take them shopping for small treats, gifts, or gift cards. Simply fill plastic Easter eggs and baskets with the treats and swap them on Easter Sunday! Your kids could even take the baskets and drop them off at the doors of friends and family, ringing the doorbell then running away!
Watch an Easter Movie

Snuggle down with a warm hot chocolate and a tasty treat and enjoy a fun-loving Easter movie as a family. There are so many to choose from but our top recommendation would definitely be Peter Rabbit, which is currently available on Netflix. This is the perfect time to snack on all their Easter eggs!

Hopefully we’ve given you enough tips on how to keep your kids entertained this Easter! Is there an activity you think we should add in or maybe your child has some artwork they’d like us to put on the post? Let us know in the comments below!
Happy Easter everyone!

This such a wonderful ideas. Thanks for sharing with us the entertaining tips. Happy Easter in advance!
Hi, thank you 🙂 Look out for another Easter post nearer the time. It will be one to read 🙂 Happy Easter in advance to you too!