Warm weather like that which we’ve experienced over the past few weeks in the UK often means that traffic in and out of the house increases, simply because you use your garden that little bit more. When you pass from the garden to the house in shoes or bare feet, you necessarily bring dirt with you, so it’s important to have rugs of some sort to help keep the house clean.

Of course, you don’t exactly want to burden designer rugs or mastercraft rugs with such a practical use, but you can give this job to kitchen rugs. These are washable rugs that are designed to act as go-betweens helping people clean their shoes or feet when they come inside from the garden.

They may be practical but rugs of this kind are also available with cool designs that add something to your home, as well as plainer styles that let you go for a more neutral look that’s easier to pair up with the design of your kitchen or conservatory. These are generally rugs that can be used both indoors and outdoors depending on what’s most convenient for you.